WARRINGTON Borough Council is calling on residents and taxi drivers to help shape the future of taxi services in the town.

The council has launched two surveys. One is aimed at the travelling public, and one is aimed at taxi drivers – both drivers who are licensed by the council, and drivers who are licensed by other local authorities.

The feedback gathered through the surveys will help shape the council’s future policy on taxi licensing, taking into account the specific needs of our community.

Council chief executive Steven Broomhead said: “We understand the importance of reliable and accessible taxi services for residents and visitors alike.

“They are an important part of people’s lives, helping them to enjoy a night out safely with friends, get to important appointments, to go shopping and to get to school or work.

“We are currently looking at reviewing our taxi policy, which helps to set local standards on provision.

“This survey will provide us with invaluable insights from both taxi drivers and the public, allowing us to develop a comprehensive policy that balances nationally recommended standards with local requirements.

“By taking part in this survey, you have a chance to directly influence the development of Warrington’s future taxi policy. Together, we can ensure we continue to provide safe, reliable, and efficient taxi services for everyone.”

The council wants to hear thoughts on a variety of topics, including the availability of taxis, accessibility, safety/CCTV, and applying for a taxi driver’s licence.

The survey for the public is available at smartsurvey.co.uk/s/wbctaxigeneralpublic, and the survey for taxi drivers is available at smartsurvey.co.uk/s/wbctaxidriver.

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and is open until May 24 at 5pm.

More information about taxi licensing is available at warrington.gov.uk/taxi.