A DAD-of-two has died after sustaining brain injuries during a freak quad biking accident while holidaying in Turkey.

Wes Atherton, from Orford, was fighting for his life in intensive care following the accident which saw him come off the bike only a few days into his trip.

The 36-year-old was being treated for brain damage and his family flew to Turkey to be by his bedside as the holiday turned into a 'living nightmare'.

Meanwhile, family friend Kelly Brooke set up a funding page to raise £10,000 to help support the family and cover mounting medical bills as Wes continued to be treated for his injuries.

However, sadly it was announced today that Wes lost his battle.

In a heartfelt message on the funding page, Wes's partner Fran said: "The day our lives changed forever.

"I lost the other half of me and my daughters lost their amazing father.

"I would be typing forever trying to put into words how much we love you and already miss you and how much you mean to us, your our world Wes and life will never be the same."

The Just Giving Page will remain open as close family friend Kelly confirmed donations will still be needed to help cover medical bills and more importantly to 'bring Wes home'.

"I'd like to thank everyone on their amazing response and donations. Please Can we continue to donate to help," she said.

To donate to the funding page follow this link here.